Digital asset management - finding files

The real article is being written and will appear in due course.

Part of a series:

  1. Introduction. About the series.
  2. The key to finding things. Tags.
  3. Browsers. Vivaldi.
  5. Emails. Outlook.
  6. Files. Everything and XYplorer.
  7. Music. MP3tag and Musicolet.

Searching with Everything

I first take a simple approach, using (e.g.) Windows Explorer to search (or filter). After 10 minutes Windows has found 1821 Word files. Still we wait. A slow search

The savvy approach uses Everything to find 1953 Word files in a fraction of a second:

A fast search

Of course the savvy approach is not just faster, it also reduces the pain of human error; I belatedly realise that I should also search for the old .doc format. Backspace over the x in the Everything search and I find another 301 files. I can spare a fraction of a second.